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Archived News: February 2006

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2006-02-28 posted by Nyerguds
I'm working on completely remaking this page in PHP. This will make it MUCH easier for me to update the site.

So far the basic layout has been implemented, as is the script to display the last 2 months in which there was news.

In other news, check out this screenshot of the now more functional Scrap Refinery in the screenshots section:

2006-02-12 posted by Nyerguds
After a long silence, I'm finally working on C&C2SW again! The movies project is kinda set on hold for the moment, together with the campaign, as the VQA encoder mysteriously stopped working on my PC. I am however continuing the thing I started the mod with... graphics.

I present to you.. the REAL Scrap Refinery.
Note that this is a WIP. Not much besides these 2 frames is done.